Thursday, December 20, 2012

iOS 6 adopters rise by 29 percent after Google Maps hits iTunes


Google Maps shot up to 7 million downloads within 24 hours of release, and as time has gone by, reports say that so has the number of users using iOS 6 on their iOS devices. Google maps also became the no.1 free app within hours of its release.
iOS 6 adopters rise by 29 percent after Google Maps hits iTunes
After the Apple Maps fiasco became a world wide web phenomenon, many users refused to upgrade to iOS 6, and many downgraded their iOS back to version 5 (at least those who could). While at the time it was not known whether Google would even release a navigation app for the platform, sticking to the older firmware made sense to many just for the sake of Google Maps.

However, last week Google took the App Store by quite a storm when they released their own navigation app with turn-by-turn voice guided navigation. Also included is a completely revamped user interface and integration with the rest of the Google suite of apps. Given how popular and in-demand Google Maps has been, it’s no surprise that there’s been a 29% jump in the number of users that are now running iOS 6 on their iOS devices.

The sharp rise in number of people now using iOS 6 is no surprise, given that the lack of a competent navigation app was what many people kept clutching dearly to their iOS 5. We’re expecting that more people will soon be upgrading to iOS6 in the coming weeks. If you’ve not upgraded yet, you can do so my connecting your device to iTunes and hitting the update button, or just getting the OTA update through the settings tab on your device.


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