Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Video and images of Minecraft update 1.8.2 revealed


Minecraft for XBLA (Xbox Live Arcade) is getting an update version 1.8.2. The update brings with it minor bug fixes and more. It will take the developers another two weeks to complete the update and sent it to Microsoft for certification before it can be released to the gamers.Video and images of Minecraft update 1.8.2 revealed
Developer 4J Studios has released a video and a few screen shots showing some of the new features that will be added to Minecraft via the update. The video showcases features such as apples, watermelon, bread and cooked meat added to the food, as well as sprinting. Apart from stacking food, players will be able to breed animals as well.

The developers sent out a tweet yesterday which said, “We're working hard fixing bugs in our 1.8.2 build - think we have a week or two to go before we can hand it over for Microsoft Cert Testing”

In an interview with HookShotinc, Paddy Burns of 4J Studios says, “The Enchanting Table and Experience Points (XP) system will be arriving sometime after update 1.8.2, and it adds a whole new depth. It gives the players a very good reason to take on some of the enemies in the game instead of running away from them, or hiding in a house and sleeping through the night. By defeating enemies, the player can pick up the Experience Orbs dropped to gain XP, and can use those points to ‘enchant’ items at the Enchanting Table, giving the item special abilities. For players who feel they have built everything they can think of, it gives a different way to play the game.”

He goes on to say, “We decided that it would be good to have the tutorial world showing the new terrain features of 1.8.2 (Strongholds, Villages, Abandoned Mineshafts and Ravines), so we have a new world with the previous tutorial training area transplanted in it. Everything beyond the training area has changed. We’re also added a few new mini-tutorials for the 1.8.2 features. We previously added some Easter Eggs elements for a bit of fun, and it went down very well with the players, so we’ve expanded these and tried to be pretty devious with our hiding places for some. It’ll be good to see how quickly they are found this time!”


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